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James Gordon

James Gordon BIO Location: Newtownards, Northern Ireland, BT23 8UF How I Started Fishing: My father always said that the best way to support mental health is to sit by the water’s edge and fish. I’ve taken this advice to heart…

Dave Horobin

Dave Horobin BIO Location: Stockport How did you start fishing: My dad was a keen match angler, and my Grandad pleasure fished the local canal every weekend. When I was around 6 or 7 they finally let me tag along. Angling…

Razvan Velea

Razvan Velea BIO Location: Tonbridge, Craiova România How do you get involve in fishing: My grandad was my trainer in fishing since i was 3 years. He first teached me everything about float fishing and later how to use a proper…

Brian Long

Brian Long BIO From Stockport greater Manchester I started fishing at 3 yrs of age with my dad My angling heroes are bob nudd , John Wilson , and Matt hayes My biggest fish to date is a 15lb 8ounze grass…

Thomas Lange

Thomas Lange BIO Location: Gaggenau Start fishing: at the age of 5 With my father Angeling heores: Sir Bob Nudd, Andy Benett Biggest fish: Pike with 10 kg Favorite style: polefishing, feederfishing and matchfishing Favorite venues: Goldkanal, Schwarzenbach Dam angeling…

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